Lindsey: Democrat-led energy reforms will force customers to pay more for less

Lindsey: Democrat-led energy reforms will force customers to pay more for less

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Jonathan Lindsey, R-Allen, issued the following statement after the Democrat-controlled Senate gave final approval to the controversial ‘clean’ energy reforms on Thursday:

“After weeks of delay, these bills quickly found their way to the Senate floor.

“These bills are bad for Michigan and do not include comprehensive solutions that benefit the people who entrusted us to do this job. They only satisfy a radical agenda while failing to solve, or even address the need for improved reliability and lower costs.

“These heavy-handed ‘Green New Deal’ mandates will drive even more people across the border into other states, discourage business development and investment and leave state taxpayers with the bill.

“How will these proposals affect Michigan’s core industries, how will they affect investments we’ve already made into the grid, how feasible and reliable are the proposed generation methods, how do we affordably store and disperse this energy, and most importantly: How will this affect the already sky-high bills of the state’s utility customers?

“None of these questions have been answered soundly and with facts, only with agenda-driven talking points. My prediction is that these government mandates will increase costs.

“I voted no on these proposed overhauls, and I hope the House strongly reconsiders these bills.”


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